Registering your child on our club

By registering to our club, you are agreeing to abide by the terms in this document. Parents can view this document at anytime via our website and will be told about it when registering for the club. If parents have a confirmed booking after paying but do not agree with anything in this document, they should ask for a full refund before their child attends the first session.

Booking Procedure

Team Up Multisports operates a first come first served approach to bookings but reserves the right to accept other bookings instead of yours if you delay the completion of your booking. We will give you warning if we are close to full capacity and are considering offering your place to another child.

We will create a waiting list for those that have applied to book after we are at full capacity, and they will be first in line for spaces if they open.

Once your child is booked in for a block booking, we will give you the opportunity to keep your space and continue your booking into the next term/half term. This option will be offered at the end of the booking period and before the next block is due to start. If your block booking period is over and you have not heard from us you should contact us directly, before the next block starts, to ensure you keep your space. If we have not had any confirmation and are considering offering the space to other children, we will give you written warning before offering it to others.

When continuing into a new block of the same school year, you will only need to process payment to have your booking confirmed as you will only need to fill in the registration form once per school year.


The only reason we will not accept a child on our club is if we do not believe we can appropriately keep them or other children safe. This may occur if we have already reached full capacity due to limiting the size of the group as part of our risk assessment, have previously excluded the child due to poor behaviour or if we feel we cannot adequately provide for the child’s needs after exhausting all options.

We endeavour to accept every child that wishes to attend. We do not discriminate based on any factor.

Completing the registration form

When an adult first enquires about one of our clubs, they will be asked to fill in a registration form. The information we ask for is purely to ensure we have adequate information in case of an emergency and to contact you about our sessions.

We require parents to complete a new registration form each year to ensure we have the most up to date information. It is the parent’s responsibility to update us if there is a change to the information that they provided us with within the school year.

Storing Information and data protection

Information will be stored securely. Team Up Multipsorts Ltd will only share the information gathered from the registration form with the school business manager of Bishop Gilpin Primary school as part of the lettings agreement and to further safeguard in case of emergency.

Information will be stored by us for no longer than the duration that your child is of age to join our clubs and attend Bishop Gilpin primary school. When your child leaves Bishop Gilpin, your information will be disposed of safely, if not already done so before. We will dispose of any information upon the parent’s request.

Without us holding all information from a completed registration form, your child will not have access to our sessions under any circumstances.

Paying for the club

When making payment for our club, you must make a full payment for either a half-term or full-term block booking. If joining part way through a term/half term you would only pay for the remaining weeks of that period. This payment must be made prior to your child’s first session, unless otherwise agreed by Team Up Multisports.

Our preferred payment method is an online bank transfer. If this is not possible, we can arrange to take cash at pick up, although this should be a last resort payment option. Parents can ask for a signed form/receipt to confirm the transaction has taken place and can opt to delay and rearrange the payment if this is not provided at the time.

We do not currently accept childcare vouchers. We will update this section when we do.

Team Up Multisports reserve the right to refuse taking a child to a session if we believe payment has not been made in time for that session.

Confirming bookings

Team Up Multisports will only confirm a booking once we have added your child to the register after being satisfied that payment, or arrangement of payment, has been met and the registration form has been fully completed.

If your child is not on our register they will not be taken to our session as we will not have sufficient information at hand in case of an emergency. Simply put, if you have not received a confirmation email, you should assume that your child is not attending our session and make arrangements to pick up your child at the normal school time, even if you have paid and filled in the forms.

If you send the form and/or payment after 11am of the day of the club, you run the risk of not receiving confirmation in time for your child to attend the club that day. In this situation Team Up Multisports would confirm the booking after the session and send a refund for that single missed session if it had been paid for.


Team Up Multisports will refund parents for one of the following reasons:

  • Parent withdraws booking prior to the first session taking place

  • Team Up Multisports bans your child from attending a session (that you have paid for) due to poor behaviour in previous sessions

  • Team Up Multisports cancels a session (that you have paid for) that we had previously agreed to run. This includes times where the school or government do not allow Team up Multisports to run through no fault of their own.

Once your child has begun attending sessions you are locked in for that block booking. Team Up Multisports are under no obligation to refund you for any missed sessions during this time in which the club is running. Exceptions will occasionally be made.


Team Up Multisports run a simple and effective behaviour strategy for low level behaviour problems. The process starts with a warning, then timeout, then speaking to parents, then banning children from attending future sessions. For more serious incidents we would go straight to speaking to parents.

If a child’s behaviour is deemed unacceptable by us during our sessions, we reserve the right to instantly terminate your child’s booking for a duration decided by us. If this occurs you will be refunded for these missed sessions you had paid for in your block booking.


If you are not happy with our service for any reason we want to know about it. We would ask that a formal email is sent to us so we can keep a record and investigate the complaint.

Records of complaints will be kept for a minimum of 3 years. We will use complaints to help improve customer satisfaction from that individual and to help form an improvement of our practice for all.

Photography and marketing

Team Up Multisports will only take and upload images of children to our website for promotional purposes. Photographs of children will only be taken to depict the values and ethos of our club, namely friendship values and sport.

In order to take photographs of children we will only use company equipment used by a staff member that holds a DBS and has a background in safeguarding children.

We will only take photographs of children if we have permission from both the parent and child. Parents will have access to our Photography Policy to make them aware of potential risks to having their child’s image made available online.

First Aid

Team Up Multisports will always have a qualified first aider on site with a fully stocked first aid bag. In the unliekly event we are short on supplies there are back ups available around the school.

Parents will be contacted in case of any emergency, using the emergency contact number provided on the registration form.

During the coronavirus PPE may be worn if a first aider is required to be in close proximity with the child.

Parents will be notified after the session if their child received a bumped head or any other injury that leaves a noticeable mark or restricted movement.


We advise children to take medication at home, but know this is not always possible. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure the coach is fully up to date with your child's medical needs. Qualified first aid coaches will support children to the best of their abilities despite not being medically trained professionals.

Coaches will only support children taking medication that has been subscribed by a doctor. All prescription medication must have the prescription attached. This should include the child’s name, date prescribed, type of medicine and dosage.

Coaches will not force children to take medication. Parents/responsible adults will be informed if a child refuses to take medication. If medication has been taken at our club, the coach will record this via our medication form.

Children that may require medication available during the club must do one of the following:

  • Option 1: Hand in the item to the coach at the start of the booking process. The coach will keep this item and bring it to every session. This will be returned at the end of the booking process. This is the preferred option.

  • Option 2: If option 1 is not possible, depending on the type of medication, a) the parent will pack the item in a clear bag enclosed within an easy to locate part of the child's sports bag, or b) the coach will borrow the child's medication from their classroom each session.

  • If both of these options are not possible, we may not be able to take your child to our session.

It is the parent's responsibility to ensure the medication handed in is in date. In case of emergency, coaches may assume medication is in date before using it.


Children should follow the school’s attendance policy and not attend if they do not meet the required criteria. The coach should be informed if your child will be absent for this reason.

Personal property

Team Up Multisports are responsible for supplying sport equipment for the session. Parents are responsible for supplying their child with anything else they may need for the session, such as food, drink and clothes. Team Up Multipsorts will not provide food, drink or clothes for children and children will not share with each other.

It is the child’s responsibility to look after their own property and not lose/damage them. Team Up Multipsorts will do their upmost to locate any missing items but are not liable for them going missing/damaged.

We recommend children do not bring in any item that they would be upset about losing/being damaged, especially things that are not necessary for the session such as toys.

Pick Up

Parents should read the pickup procedure before their first session. This can be found via our website or in the confirmation email. If another adult is collecting their child, this information should be passed on to them.

Parents will record who can pick up their child on the registration form. Parents can add names to this list throughout the year and should notify the coach if anyone new is to collect their child via text or email so we have written evidence. If a parent does not do this, we will not let your child leave until we have your consent via the phone. This list will have to be rewritten each year as part of the new registration form.

Late Fees

Team Up Multisports will serve late fees for parents that are consistently late in picking up their child (we consider late to mean that the coach is at an inconvenience waiting with your child after all other children have been collected, not being late by a couple of minutes). It is a last resort action taken and one we do not expect to use. We will give parents warning if we are considering bringing in a late fee for the next late pick up and will not issue a warning for a first offence.

If a late fee has been issued, it will need to be paid before the next session. If payment has not been made before that session (or an agreed arrangement for payment) Team Up Multisports may decide to cancel the child’s booking. If this occurs, Team Up Multisports will refund the parent for any weeks missed minus the late fee due.

The late fee is £15 unless otherwise stated by Team Up Multisports. If paid the child will continue their booking. If a second late fee is issued, we will expect payment and will warn the parent that the next late pickup will result in an automatic cancelled booking, even if all late fees are paid on time.

Last updated 13/07/22

Terms and Conditions