Team Up Games

Our 44 Active Team Up Games

Our list of 44 fun active Team Up games are typically for our youngest age groups, however, they can be modified to be suitable for the older age groups too as fun warm up activities. The youngest age groups will engage in more of these games during their sessions, using the story based narrative and imagination to bring the games more to life. Typically they can expect to play around 4 of these games, or a couple followed by a sport, although it can often be more! The skills learnt in these games involve and improve the skills that children will later use in sport. These games are quick and fast paced to keep children's engagement.

A list of the games we provide with a short description can be found below. Don't be surprised if we add more games to this list too!

Angry Gorillas

The zoo keepers must get from one side of the zoo to the other avoiding the bananas being thrown by the angry gorillas. If they get hit they join the gorilla's in their cage and the game continues until we have a winning zoo keeper or gorilla team. 

Animal Impressions

The children take it in turns to suggest an animal and then all children do their best animal impression around the area. The coach will call out their favourite animal impression at the end of each round. This is a great movement activity as children will be high, low, crouching and crawling using all body parts to be the best animal they can be! 

Ball Tag

A tag game using a dodgeball where the taggers try to tag others with the ball (no throwing). If they are successful, they pass the ball to that player who then becomes the tagger. 

Banana Tag

A firm favourite with Reception children. The Banana Taggers try to tag as many players as they can in the time limit, with others trying to evade them. When tagged the player turns into a banana and must wait to be freed by another player who peels the banana to safety! At the end of the time limit, we count how many bananas were tagged. The banana tagging team with the most points win. 

Bug Party

Children are told a story about the bugs getting ready for their bug party and must act out the actions as the story is being told. After the bug party, they must gather food outside their house for the next days bug party. They must gather the food from the dark forest and try to not be eaten by the spiders!

Cat and Mouse

A tag game where the cat team try to take as many of the mice tails whilst the mice try to evade them.  

Coconut shy

Children will throw their coconuts (dodgeballs/tennis balls) at the coconut shy (dodgeballs again) and try to knock them off the cones. Team with the most coconuts knocked over wins.

Cups and Saucers

The cup team will try to turn the cones over like a cup (upside down) and the saucers team will try to turn the cones over like a saucer (right way up). The team with the most cones turned over like their team will be the winners.

Get out of here!

Players must evade being tagged and try to enter a safe zone. Only 1 player can be in a safe zone at any one time so they must shout 'get out of here' to be able to enter the area. Taggers are running around outside of the safe zones trying to tag players. If tagged the players must swap roles. 

Grandmas Footsteps

Children move slowly towards the coach and must freeze when the coach says so. Anyone that moves after the coach says freeze, must go back to the start and try again. Those that have successfully froze can continue from where they left off. The winner is the first to get to the other side.

Grandmas Keys

Children must creep up to grandma and try to take her keys. If they make too much noise, grandma will turn around and try to see if anyone is moving. If not, they will turn back around and the children will try to get closer again. If grandma sees the children move the children will go back to the start. If they can get close enough to touch the keys, they win!

Honey bear

The bees are trying to get their honey back from the bears who are guarding it asleep by their cave. The bees must creep up and try to not wake up the bears. If the bears awake they will chase the bees back to their bee hive. If the bees can creep up without waking the bears, they can take 1 piece of honey back with them. The winners are the team with the most amount of honey left at the end. 

Hungry Hippos

The hippos must collect as much food from the middle before the food is all gone. The hippo team with the most amount of food at the end of the round is the winner.

Late for school

Children are told a story about a child getting ready for school and must act out the actions with the coach. Each day when they get to school they find a problem and have to go back to sleep to try to get back to school on time the next day. 

Mini- Dodgeball

Children try to dodge out of the way of on-coming balls and aim to throw the ball at their opponents. Children will earn points based on the number times they can hit their opponents, with bonus points for catches and the best dodges!

Mr Men and Little Miss

The coach calls out Mr. Men and Little Miss characters and the children follow the action. E.g Little Miss Tiny, they make themselves as small as possible. Mr.Bounce, they jump up and down. Mr.Jelly, the wobble around the area and so on.  

Pirate Adventure!

Children go on a pirate adventure across the seven seas! They will follow the captains by shouting 'aye aye captain' proceeded by acting out the order such as scrubbing the deck, climbing the rigging, preparing the feast, looking out the telescope, being under attack and firing the cannon, walking the plank, swim past the crocodiles, following the map and digging for treasure.  

Popcorn machine

Children in the inner-circle are the popcorn machine team and the children on the outside circle work in the cinema. The popcorn machine throws out the popcorn around the cinema and the other team must collect the popcorn and put it back in the popcorn machine. (inner-circle). The team with the most amount of popcorn in their area loses! 

Remote Control

Children move around the area whilst the coach is trying to get his magic remote control to work. When the coach presses the buttons (pause, play, fast forward, rewind, record, change the channel and slow motion) the children will be controlled by it and will follow the actions.  

Rhythm Master

One player is detective and one is the rhythm master. The rhythm master chooses a dance/action and others must copy. When the coach says change, the rhythm master must change their action with the others copying. The detective has 3 guesses to try to spot who is making the changes and to catch the rhythm master! 

Robin Hood

Children run to collect as much gold as they can as they steal from the rich to give to the poor. The team with the most gold are the winners. 

Shark Attack

Children swim around the sea with sharks not far behind them. When the coach shouts shark attack, the swimmers must get to an island before the sharks eat them for their dinner! If the children are eaten they become sharks for the next round. The last remaining children are the winners, unless the sharks eat them all up before the end. 

Sharky Sharky

The fishes try to get past the hungry sharks. The sharks say 'hey fishy fishy, swimming in my sea' with the fishes replying 'hey sharky sharky you can't catch me'. The fishes then try to get past the sharks without being caught. 

Shopping List

The coach will read out their shopping list and the children must run to the relevant shopping aisle to get the food before the aisle becomes empty! The last child to the aisle will be out and the winner is the final child who was able to collect every item of food on the shopping list.

Snakey snakey

The children must cross the lake without being touched by a snake! The snake will allow some children to pass and will give children clues as to who can pass each round before others must try to get past the snake. If caught, they join as snakes for the next round. The winners are the children that remain at the end. 

Stepping stones

The children must use the stepping stones to get from one side of the river to the next. They must try not to fall in the river along the way or the hungry crocodiles will eat them up! Once completed, they must run back to the start to see if they can complete it again. The team with the most players still alive at the end of the game wins.

Ticking Time Bomb

Children are told how long the round will be and then must pass the bomb to each other without dropping it. If they drop it, or are holding the bomb when the time is up they are blown to smithereens! The winner is the last player left.

Tidy your garden!

Children must get rid of their rubbish by throwing it over the fence into their neighbours garden. Their neighbours will be doing the same, throwing it into theirs. The team with the tidiest garden at  the end of the game are the winners.

Traffic Lights

Children move around the area pretending to be cars driving around the road and trying not to crash into others. When the traffic light changes, the children must either go or stop. The children also follow actions such as indicating, speeding up and slowing down.

What's the Time Mr.Wolf?

Classic game where the children will ask the wolf what the time is and then move that number of steps towards the wolf. When the wolf says dinner time, the children must run away and trynot to be eaten!

Yoga shapes

The children try to imitate the yoga positions on the card. Can they do the perfect starfish or snake? Children can try to copy the card or show us a variation of their own! At the end of each shape the coach will call out who has done the best yoga shape.

Trip to the Beach

Coach acts out their day of going on a trip to the beach. First they get ready at home, then pack the car and drive to the beach before having some fun adventures on the beach!

Sand Monster

Mirror Tag

The children run to avoid being tagged. When tagged they must make a shape or movement. They can be freed by a friend who mirrors the action.

The children run around an area. The coach randomly calls out a child's name who then becomes the sand monster for 10 seconds and tries to tag as many friends as possible to gain points. This game can also be played with dribbling footballs for older children.

The children on one side have to cross the middle line to get to the other side and take the other teams flag. Game stops when 1 team has both flags. Game can include more than 2 teams and teams can have more than 1 flag to collect as variations.

Capture the Flag

Children in 4 corners take a ball and try to place in the middle circle. Coach tries to stop them but cannot go in circle. When a player puts ball in circle they tag their teammate who then does the same. The winning team are the ones that put their balls in the circle before the other teams.


Shipwrecked from danger island

The coach will randomly select a danger island. Children have to choose to land on one coloured island before the end of the countdown. The coach calls out which colour is the danger island and anyone on that island become shipwrecked. Winners are the children that are left at the end. Variatiosn include removing islands that have been exiled.


Children run around the winding course (ski down the slope) to see who can make the fastest time!

Rock, Paper, Scissors Race

Tic Tac Toe Dash

2 teams, 0 and X. 1st person from each team runs and place their 0 or X on the board. They then run back and hi 5 their team mate who then goes next. This continues until a team have 3 in a row. If all squares are full without a 3 in a row, the next person will either remove a 0 or X or add to a free space when available when it is their turn to do so.

Children must move 1 stepping stone at a time towards their opponent's base. When they meet in the middle the 2 must have a rock, paper, scissors battle. The winner stays and continues to move closer to the opponent. The loser must return to the back of their teams line. Play continues until 1 team gets all the way to the other teams base.

Snakes in the Grass

Snakes are in a circle (grass) with children moving around the outside. If they go too close to the snakes the snakes can get them and they become a snake. When the coach calls Release the Snakes! The snakes can leave the grass area and try to catch as many children as they can before the coach calls for the snakes to go back to the grass.


Taggers start in the circle and must stay on the lines and tag as many children as possible. If tagged those children become taggers too. Who can stay on the lines and avoid being tagged?

Rocket Ships

Children visit different planets whilst avoiding the meteors and shooting stars that come their way! Who can get to the final destination in one piece?! Who may encounter the aliens?

Beans on toast!

Coach calls out different types of beans for children to act out. Baked bean- curl up, Jelly bean-wobble, Runner bean-run, Long bean-stretch out tall, Chilli bean-shiver, French bean-bonjour!, Jumping bean-jumps, String bean-make thin line, Beanie baby-act like baby, Mr.Bean-funny dance and Beans on toast-all get together in circle!