Club Information for Parents

Change of clothes

Children in Years 1-6 should have clothes packed in their bag and will change in their classroom with their teacher before our coach picks them up. Reception children should arrive to school wearing their PE kit.

  • Ideal: Trainers.   

  • Can wear: Plimsolls.   

  • Avoid: Boots, sandals, school shoes, Flip Flops! 

  • Ideal: Own sporty clothes. 

  • Can wear: PE kit.   

  • Avoid: School uniform or own clothes that restrict movement. 


We are an outdoors club and will run in rain, cold and hot conditions so children should be dressed appropriately. We will only not run in extreme conditions.

  • Hot days: Cap, short sleeves and shorts.

  • Cold days: Extra layers. Long sleeves, trousers, coat.

  • Wet days: Raincoat.

Snacks and drink

Children will have their snack at the start of the session and may have drink breaks during the session. Our sessions are very active and are at the end of a long school day, so drinks and snacks are a requirement. 


Please pack 1 or 2 small snacks for the club, preferably packed seperatly from their school lunchbox to avoid confusion. We will not provide food and children will not share food during the session.  

We are a NO NUTS and NO SESAME SEEDS club (as is the school) so do not pack them. Children will not be able to eat them during our sessions.  


Please pack a separate drink for the club. Bottles are best as they can be opened and closed when required and therefore better than juice cartons.  

We are unlikely to refill bottles during the session and children will not use water fountains either. For this reason it is really important that children have a separate full drink for our club. 


Please inform Coach Ben if your child will not be attending a session for any reason. The best way to do this is via a text on the day 07868615574 as he will be notified immediately and may be unable to take a call. You can also email with the heading ABSENCE.  

Informing Ben of your child's absence ensures a smooth pick up, avoids any potential confusion and helps Ben with his session plan for the rest of the group.  

Safer pick up procedure

 1. If your child is on BG Explorers' register they will be dropped off with them. Please let me know if there are other clubs that your child may be attending after our club so I know to drop them off too.

 2. When filling in the registration form ensure you tell us every adult you give permission to pick up your child (other than parents). This can be constantly updated with written warning via email or text at anytime throughout your booking. If an adult is not on this list we will not sign them out to this adult until we have received parent confirmation via phone.  

 3. Below is the information for the adult that will be directly picking up your child from the club. Please ensure they are aware of these procedures: 

3a. Pick up is at 4:40 from the main gate entrance area of the school.

3b. Please do not be too close to where the children are seated and wait for me to approach you. Children will be seated on the steps and adults should be ideally as close to the gate as possible. The coach will aim to approach adults closest to the gate area first.

 3c. When the coach approaches an adult they will ask who they are and who they are collecting. The coach will then call out the child's name and sign the child out. The child will then go to their adult and becomes the parent's responsibility. This process continues until all children have been collected.

4. If your child has not been collected within 15 minutes, The coach will attempt to contact the parent to see why their child has not been picked up. In the unlikely event that we are unable to make contact after an hour, social services/police may be called. Parents that are consistently late may be charged a late fine (after warning). This is a last resort and one we do not expect to make.

Last updated: 24/06/24