Inform the coaches

It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the coach is fully up to date with their child’s medical needs. If a child has a medical healthcare plan, we will ask to have a copy, or at the very least to be given as much detail as possible from the plan, to best be able to support your child in case of emergency.

If your child requires (or might require) medication of any kind at our clubs, the parent must inform us via the registration form, email or in person. Once we are made aware we may ask some questions about the medication or ask you to fill out a medication form. Coaches will not support children with their medication without this knowledge or written consent.

Supporting children with their medication

When appropriate, first aid qualified coaches will opt to supervise and support children taking medication rather than administer for them. Coaches will support children to the best of their ability although not being trained medical professionals.

Coaches will only support children taking medication that has been prescribed by a doctor. All prescription medication must have the prescription attached. This should include the child’s name, date prescribed, type of medicine and dosage.

Where to store medication

If a child requires to have medication available during our club, we will arrange a time for the medication to be handed over to the coach to keep for the duration of the child’s booking (we would return it at the end of the child’s booking). If you are unable to get spare medciation in which to do this, we will arrange an alternative method depending on the type of medication. We would either ask for it to be sealed inside a clear bag enclosed in an easy to locate section of the child's sports bag or borrow the medication from the child's classroom for each session.

In date medication

It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that any medication handed over to Team Up Multisports is in date, and will be in date for the duration of the booking. In case of emergency, coaches will assume that medication is in date as they may not have time to check before needing to use it.

Medication at the club

We advise children to take medication at home but know this is not always possible.

If medication has been taken at our club, the coach will record this via our medication form.

Coaches will not force children to take medication. Parents/responsible adults will be informed if a child refuses to take medication.

Last updated 05/07/2022

Medication Policy