Photography Policy

Photography Purpose

For the vast majority of sessions photography will not be used. If we do use photography, it will be for the sole purpose of marketing the club via our website. We will only take and publish photos of children that we have received consent from both the parent and the child. Coaching would remain the main focus of the sessions and children would not be made to feel left out. The images we would be looking to take and use would be of a sporting nature, depicting friendships, or illustrating the fun that is had at our club. Photos would not be taken or used for any other reason. If we wanted to use an image for any other purpose (such as flyers) we would ask for permission once again, explaining the new ways we would like to use an image.

Potential risks to having images of your children online

Before agreeing to allow Team Up Multisports to take and publish photographs of your child for our website, you should be aware of the following potential risks.

  • Children can be identified from photographs.

  • People can find out information about your child from photographs, such as their location and school.

  • Once published online, anyone can access the image, copy and use it for purposes other than those intended by Team Up Multisports. If copied and shared by others it may not be possible to delete the image completely from the internet.

Protective steps
  • The child's safety will always come first ahead of the company's need to market the club.

  • We will always make it clear what our images will be used for and ensure that consent has been given by both the parent and child. Only appropriate images will be taken and used that depict the ethos of the club and it's values.

  • We will explain potential risks (shown above) assosciated to having images of children online. We will also explain how images will be used and how they will be stored.

  • We will store unused images for a maximum of 1 term before deleting them. Only the Director will have access to these files.

  • We will minimise risks by ensuring we do not name children or publish information about them in the photographs.

  • We will only use company equipment to take photographs (different from the coaches personal equipment).

  • Only adults with a DBS and a background in Safeguarding children will be involved in taking pictures and only the Director will have access to these images once taken.

Step 1- Parent permission

As part of our registration process, we will now be asking parents whether they give Team Up Multisports permission to take and use their child's image as part of our marketing. Parents will have to reply yes or no to this question in order to book on the club. If a parent later changes their mind or does not like a certain image that has been taken, they can request for it to be taken down without needing to qualify why. Parents should understand that once an image has been published online, it may have already been copied and used inapropriately by people that are not connected to our clubs. We advise that both parents discuss whether they give permission before answering the question, however we can change the answer at any time. In the circumstance that one parent gives permission and the other does not, we would not use any images of that child. Team Up Multipsorts considers that once consent has been given a parent gives consent for any images to be taken within that booking and this image can be kept indefinately until we hear otherwise. This includes if a parent books again a following year and changes to not giving consent for future photos. We would take it that the previous image is ok but future images would not be.

Step 2- Child permision

Once we have parent permission, we would ask the child if they would be happy for us to take and potentially use their image to put on our website. We would explain the type of image we would be looking to use at the beginning of the session. We would then explain to the whole group that we would be taking images during the session of a select group of children that we had permission to take. We would structure the session in a way that meant we would not be in danger of taking pictures of children we do not have consent for by mistake or in the background of pictures. It would not impact our club in any way and children will not be exempt or left out from taking part.

Step 3- Parent acknowledgement that image is being used

When we have an image we would like to use, we will contact the parent to let them know. This gives the parents another opportunity to refuse consent before it is published online. Parents will be contacted via the email address supplied to us via the registration process and the parent would have 7 days to respond before the image is uploaded. After it has been uploaded, parents can ask us to take the image down at any time after viewing it if they are not happy for it to be on our website.

Last updated 03/07/24